Tumultuous (adjective)   انتشار انگیز - افراتفری سے بھرپور 

making an uproar or loud, confused noise.

Example: “tumultuous applause”

Synonyms: loud, deafening, thunderous, thundering, ear-shattering, ear-splitting, ear-piercing

Antonyms: soft

Flounder (verb)   ڈگمگا کر چلنا - مشکل سے چلنا - چکرا کر چلنا 

struggle or stagger clumsily in mud or water.

Example: “he was floundering about in the shallow offshore waters”

Synonyms: struggle, thrash, thresh, flail, toss and turn, twist and turn, pitch, splash

Antonyms: make good progress

Mollycoddle (verb)    عورت نما زنانہ - ضرورت سے زیادہ تحفظ کا اہتمام

treat (someone) in an indulgent or overprotective way.

Example: “I found school very difficult, and realized I’d been mollycoddled at home”

Synonyms: pamper, cosset, coddle, spoil, indulge, overindulge, pet, baby, wait on hand and foot

Antonyms: abuse, ill-treat, ill-use, maltreat

Illusion (noun)    وہم - دھوکہ - فریب 

an instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory experience.

Example: “stripes embellish the surface to create the illusion of various wood-grain textures”

Synonyms: mirage, hallucination, apparition, phantasm, phantom, vision, spectre, fantasy

Antonyms: reality

Jurisdiction (noun)     حلقہ عدلیہ- قانون نافذ کرنے کا حق 

the official power to make legal decisions and judgements.

Example: “the English court had no jurisdiction over the defendants”

Synonyms: authority, control, power, dominion, rule, administration, command, sway

Antonyms: freedom, independence, immunity, exemption

Comprehend (verb)    سمجھنا - جاننا 

grasp mentally; understand.

Example: “he couldn’t comprehend her reasons for marrying Lovat”

Synonyms: understand, grasp, take in, see, apprehend, follow, make sense of, fathom

Antonyms: exclude

Spew (verb)    تھوکنا - اگلنا- قے کرنا 

expel large quantities of (something) rapidly and forcibly.

Example: “buses were spewing out black clouds of exhaust”

Synonyms: emit, discharge, eject, expel, belch out, pour out, spout, disgorge

Antonyms: dribble, strain, bottle, seep, contain, weep

Foresight (noun)      احتیاط - دور اندیشی

the ability to predict what will happen or be needed in the future.

Example: “he had the foresight to check that his escape route was clear”

Synonyms: forethought, anticipation, planning, forward planning, provision, prescience, circumspection

Antonyms: hindsight

Purport (verb)   مفہوم - مطلب پا جانا 

appear to be or do something, especially falsely.

Example: “she is not the person she purports to be”

Synonyms: claim, lay claim, profess, pretend, set oneself up (as), appear, seem, be apparently

Antonyms: abandon, disavow, disclaim

Figurative (adjective)      مرادی - اصطلاحی - مجازی - رنگینی

departing from a literal use of words; metaphorical.

Example: “a figurative expression”

Synonyms: metaphorical, non-literal, symbolic, allegorical, representative, emblematic, imaginative

Antonyms: literal


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