Rite (noun) رسم و رواج، ریت، شعار

Synonyms: Ceremony, ritual, ceremonial, observance

Antonyms: Inobservance, disuse, obsoleteness

USE: The rite of communion.

Curtail (verb) گھٹانا، کم کرنا، حذف کرنا

Synonyms: Reduce, cut, cut down, cut back, lessen

Antonyms: Increase, lengthen

USE: Civil liberties were further curtailed.

Antiquity (noun)  نو واردات، قدیم رسم یا رواج، نہایت قدیم

Synonyms: Ancient times, the ancient past, classical

Antonyms: Currency, currentness, freshness, modernity

USE: The great civilizations of antiquity.

Pestilence (noun) وباء، پھیلنے والی بیماری

Synonyms: Plague, bubonic plague, the Black Death

Antonyms: Advantage, health

USE: Neither prayers nor demonstrations halted the advance of the pestilence.

Mingle (verb) ملانا، شریک ہونا، ملاوٹ

Synonyms: Mix, blend, intermingle, commingle, intermix

Antonyms: Separate, beseparated

USE: The sound of voice smingled with a scrapin of chairs. 

Seldom (adverb) کبھی کبھار، بہت کم

Synonyms: Rarely, infrequently, on rare occasions, ever

Antonyms: often, frequently

USE: Iceland is seldom visited by tourists. 

Soar (verb) بلند ہونا

Synonyms: Fly up, wing, wing its way, take off, take flight

Antonyms: Plummet

USE: The bird spread its wings and soared into the air.

Dread (verb) خوف، فکرمندی

Synonyms: Fear,be afraid of, worry about, anxious

Antonyms: Look forward to

USE: Jane was dreading the party.

Mitigation (noun) تخفیف، کمی

Synonyms: Alleviation, reduction, diminution, lessening

Antonyms: Intensification

USE: The identification and mitigation of pollution.

Flawed (adjective) عیب، خامی، نقص

Synonyms: Unsound, defective, faulty, distorted

Antonyms: Good

USE: A fatally flawed strategy.


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